The Garden of Eden

I thought this morning of the garden of Eden and how very beautiful it must have been. There were flowers and fruit of every kind as well as animals, fish and birds. The beauty of that garden is unimaginable to us and above all, God walked there. Adam and Eve would not have known the devastation that we know today – floods, droughts, earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis. They would not have witnessed the ravages of war and destruction until they left the garden.

One is nearer to God in the garden then anywhere else on earth.’ Dorothy Frances Gurney. ‘ I don’t completely go along with this sentiment, God is everywhere. But I want God in my garden; He makes things to grow. Less than a mile away is our local river, the River Eden.,it’s a good name to have for a river.

My newly established garden is only 5 metres by 10. Really quite small. This week I had my first picking of raspberries for breakfast. (I didn’t offer my first fruits to God, I ate them!) There was no soil in my garden when I arrived, only stones. Now that I have planted a number of flowers and small shrubs, the bees, butterflies and insects are starting to visit it. It is my very small attempt to combat global warming and our loss of natural habitat. I’m in partnership with God.