Unfailing Love

100 metres from my home is a place I can stand and just about see the hill tops of south west Scotland. By turning 90 degrees I can see the northern Pennines, also known as the backbone of England. Turning again I can see the magnificent hills of the Lake District. All wonderful but the Psalmist tells us ‘I will lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from, it comes from the Lord.’ Psalm 121:1

At my feet is a gurgling brook and children playing in the field in front of me. God has created the mountains and also created the human race. God is in nature but nature is not God. God is in His people, but people are not God. There is only one God, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Because people are unwavering and uncaring about God, it doesn’t stop Him loving them, God loves us all with an unfailing love, tempered by His judgement..