Repeated Prayers

There are times when this world seems to be an unjust place. Wickedness appears to abound. and wrong doing goes unpunished. The devil seems to have too much sway. We can feel helpless but this is not the case. We have a direct line to God to pray about these matters. The Bible tells us that the prayers of a righteous man avail much. By praying about injustice we can make a difference.

God is waiting to hear from us; He wants dialogue with us. Our persistent prayers do make a difference. When we look back over history, we see that prayer has made a difference. Prayer again slavery and communism with God filled action has made a change.

When we pray over an injustice we will not be the only person who is praying. Our prayers will be united with others to assail the Kingdom of Heaven. Persistent God-filled prayer will be effective. We read of the widow in a certain city, repeatedly bombarding a judge to give her justice. It was her continual persistence that eventually got her wish granted

When we pray for loved ones to come to faith, it might involve many years of prayer. There is never a time to give up. We all know wonderful stories where a husband or wife finds the Lord after decades of prayer. There is never a time to give up. It is said that George Muller prayed for 100 people who all repented before he died, except for six.who were converted at his funeral!