With our weather becoming more unpredictable, we are getting used to having storms. I have a friend who because of her decreased mobility can’t go out in the windy weather. I now check the wind speed each day and notice the days she will have to stay indoors. I try to phone or visit.
When the winds do abate we seem to take extra notice of the calm and stillness. Maybe we would never appreciate the quiet days if we hadn’t had the boisterous ones. Our natures are so feeble that we don’t appreciate things until we lose them.
Storms in nature, storms in life, both will arise, but our spiritual upsets don’t have to be faced alone. The psalms are full of God’s assurances that He is always with us. If we could only take one book on our ‘Desert Island’ surely the Book of Psalms would be enough. We could meditate one psalm each day and five months would be filled with blessings. Then we could start again!
‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1. ‘Blessed are all who take refuge in Him,’ Ps 2:12. What a lovely word is ‘refuge.’ Maybe we don’t use it so much today, but our refuge in God is absolutely secure.