Spread the Word

‘How can they believe in one who they have not heard,’ Romans 10:14

Do you remember the first time you heard of the love of Jesus? Maybe not. Perhaps you were brought up in a Christian home and the Bible was read regularly. But there would have been a first time when the words hit home to your heart. Maybe you only had a knowledge of God until that first day you heard and believed. If you remember the date, it would be written on your heart.

However or whenever your conversation came to be it was when you passed from darkness into light. But someone had to tell you, whether it was by word of mouth, from a sermon or a friend, or a song or the written word as in the scriptures. God came knocking on the door of your heart and you responded.

If you have fifty friends there are fifty different ways you could let them know about the love of God. Each person is unique, every approach will be different. When we think of the various ways we all came to know about God, we know there are many different approaches that we can use. We need to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Today there is a greater need for us to evangelize. We can’t leave it to the schools or parents. Teaching of the Christian faith is no longer the norm. God will be using us to ‘spread the Word.’