Abraham Waits

There must be periods of our lives when we can relate to Abraham’s time of waiting. He was getting older, his wife was getting older and still he had no heir. Then God took him to look at the night sky and explained that his heirs would be more that the number of the stars. With the clear Palestinian skies, even the number of stars visible to the naked eye would have be uncountable. We then read ‘and Abraham believed the Lord.’ He needed extreme patience; he had to wait more that ten years for God’s promise to be fulfilled..

We and others can have the same experience. We may have a promise from God and then have to wait. In our waiting do we lose faith.? ‘Did God really promise?’ we can ask ourselves. We know that God only wants the best for us so when God’s promise is finally fulfilled, we can look back and see God’s perfect timing. At other times we look back and don’t understand the reason for the delay. There are promises that may not even be fulfilled until after our life time.

It is all a matter of trust, do we trust God or not? It could be that He has more to teach us, that we need to be more mature in our Christian journey. I know in my own life I’ve needed to trust God more, before He has been able to trust me with the answers to His promises. Can the God of all the earth do wrong?