Blessed are the Peacemakers.

I wonder what a peacemaker looks like. I don’t think Jesus was referring to the politicians. I believe it is a job for individuals. Nor is it likely to be a passive role. Peacemakers need to be seen to be active. Is it easier to be a peacemaker these days than it was in the time of Jesus? Could it considered to be a role for weak people?

Peacemakers need to be seen. They will not always be popular; some people thrive on diversity and conflict. Peacemakers are considered to ‘pour oil on troubled waters.’ They need to speak out against injustice and to make their opinions heard. There will seldom be indications that our peaceful roles will be brought into play. Often there will be little warning. A situation will suddenly arise and we will need to be ready.

So Jesus said that the peacemakers would be called the children of God. Again, what will that look?


As I heard the news of people killed, maimed and traumatized by a suicide bomber in yet another part of the world my heart cried for all those concerned. Only the other day with our church young people, we talked about the 50 places in the world most dangerous for Christians. Country number 5 just featured in the news, killing Christians, Muslims and innocent.

Since the time of the Fall there has been conflict and strife. It can take the form of suicide bombing down to an argument with a neighbour. Whether we are ordinary people or world leaders, we want our own way. We think that we are right and others are wrong.

But the world needs the peace and harmony which the world cannot give. No wonder Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.’ Matthew 5. How can people like us be peacemakers, we do not sit at conference tables where decisions are made. But we can still be peacemakers. May we never pass on gossip, true or untrue. May we see the good in others and let go of our rigid opinions. My we continue to pray for the war-torn countries of the world and remember the words of Jesus, ‘My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives peace.’