My Hiding Place

‘I look up to the mountains, does my help come from there.?’ Psalm 121:1

We know that God is everywhere and that He will be with us wherever we are. If I go down to the deep You are there, yet often in the Bible we read that the men of God went up into the mountains to pray.- David, Elijah and Jesus. Maybe there they found less clamour from the world, less distraction and escape from the burning high temperatures. Though David admits that help doesn’t come from the mountains but from the Lord Himself.

Many of us have a special place where we can feel closer to God and more in touch with His spirit. My widowed friend told me, ‘This chair is where Peter used to sit and pray.’ She now sits there frequently. Those who know me would not be surprised that my special place is in the garden. Although not fully developed yet, in my mind’s eye I can see what it will eventually be like, – secluded and private. Even now I can sit there and with a a small table on which to place my books, I can pray and commune with God. I share the space with the birds who are becoming quite tame, along with an increasing number of butterflies, bees and flying insects. I am fortunate that there is no sound of traffic or neighbours, only the sounds of nature. It is my hiding place shared with my Lord and Master.