Large and Small Prayers

How wonderful that God answers prayers both large and small. If a prayer is according to is will and if it is for our good He will answer with a resounding ‘yes.’

In my church we have a lovely man who is a refugee, whose life was in danger because he was a Christian. In his own country he had left behind work, family, friends, everything because of his faith. He has made application to stay in this country but while waiting for the result he was told that he would be moved to another place. Our church mounted a massive prayer for him, while praying at the same time that God’s will would be done. The news came back that he would be moved, but to another place in our same city. There was such wide-spread rejoicing.

At the same time I had asked a few of my friends to pray for a small problem that I had with my move. By comparison my prayer need was so small but I felt led to ask for this prayer. On the same day as our refugee friend’s prayer was answered, so was mine.

I felt so humbled that God would answer my tiny prayer while also answering the large one. But then our God isn’t a one-dimensional God. He does not slumber or sleep.As the hymn say,’ He’s got the whole world in His hands.’

More Homeless

As I spied another homeless man, I noticed that a woman passed him by and then said too me as she also passed me ‘He’s not genuine, you know.’ I was so shocked and saddened, I would rather give to a fraud than pass by on the other side and miss those who are genuine. Surely no-one would choose to sit on the cold pavement, wearing flimsy clothing and receiving so few coins that they couldn’t get a hostel for the night.

As I spoke to him, he looked lost and uncaring. ‘Where did you sleep last night?’ ‘On the streets.’ Have you approached the council for somewhere to live.’ Just a shrug. ‘There is a church down the road which gives free meals each evening.’ Another shrug.

This man had reached the stage of no hope. He’d given up trying. The coins I gave wouldn’t help him if he didn’t try to find shelter. I really feared he would just become another statistic.


As I walked through my city yesterday I was saddened to see four homeless men sitting hunched up on the pavements with little protection from the elements. This was two more than the last time I was there. One of them had shelter above him but he was in the windiest place there was on a day which was frighteningly windy. As I bent to speak to him I realized that I was towering over him, a position which would make him feel even more inferior. Something else to strip away his dignity.

When I handed him a drink and some food he muttered something which made me think he wasn’t English, but probably a refugee. I was able to point out a nearby church which handed out free evening meals, but I doubt that he could understand me. Refugees and the homeless are not part of God’s plan.