In Step

We are told life is a journey. It may be short, it may be long. It may be hard, it may not. Some parts will seem to gallop by, especially the good bits. While other parts will drag. Whatever our circumstances we need to walk it with God and walk it at His speed.

The two disciples on the road to Emmaus, met and walked with the undisclosed Jesus, They needed to walk at the same speed. I can imagine them slowing down at a particularly interesting point in the conversation, then speeding up as the cool night air came upon them. Whatever their pace, they walked together at the same speed. Otherwise they would not have been together when they reached Emmaus.

We, too, value our time with Jesus, but it needs to be at His pace. We know that when we race ahead, we will take the wrong paths, stumble and fall. To lag behind means we will miss out on His many blessings. Tarrying along the way will open us up to temptation, leading us where we should not be. To lag behind means the way will become unclear. I’m sure we’ve been guilty of both faults at some time.

It is again the case of ‘God knows best.’