I Remember

‘I was only young but I can remember it so well. Like every other day it was hot and dusty and we had been rushing round playing chase. Suddenly we weren’t alone, this man came up and watched us play. I suppose he wasn’t old but all grown-ups seemed old to us then. He had a lovely smile, I liked him straightaway. My younger brother, James, climbed onto his knee; I was too old for that so I just leaned against him, while he patted my head.’

‘Quite a crowd had gathered. Someone asked if we children were bothering him and he told them ‘such is the kingdom of heaven’, whatever that meant. But I liked the thought of heaven, my mum used to talk about it at our bedtime stories before she died. ‘Let the little children come to me.’ Well, we had and I liked it. He had a lovely voice too.’

‘I’m older now but I’ll never forgot that day, which makes the news I’ve just heard so shocking. They say this lovely man, Jesus was his name, is going to be crucified. How can that be, what can he have done wrong? He was lovely, gently and kind. My brother will be very upset when he hears. These Romans are so cruel. I will say a little prayer for this Jesus in my prayers this evening.’