Help from the Enemy

The other evening I watched a true life television drama about three young girls murdered thirty years ago in Australia. Probably not a good choice just before going to bed. Then this morning my Bible reading for the day was about the Good Samaritan.

Maybe the man was on a business trip and his chosen route was the quickest way between two customers. He knew it was dangerous but he hoped he would be lucky; he wasn’t. The blow on his head was simultaneous with his money bag being snatched, The trauma over losing all his money vied with the severe pain in his head as he slipped in and out of consciousness. At one lucid point he heard footsteps approaching and hurrying away. again. The blood running down his face stopped him seeing anything. He wasn’t even conscious when the Levite passed by.

When the Samaritan came along the man was barely alive. His battered body was lifted onto the man’s horse. It wasn’t until a few days later that he discovered who had helped him and when he was fit enough to return to work, what a story he had to tell! It was his enemy who had helped him and saved his life. So notable was this story of Jesus that the phrase Good Samaritan has slipped into everyday usage.