Holy Dwellings

What a joy it is to visit Christian friends in their Christian homes. Yes, they can be called ‘Christian homes,’ there is a peace and hope about these places. Of course, my friends are human and there must be times of disagreements, friction and even tragedy, but overall there is a sense that God dwells there. It is nothing to do with lovely furniture or plush carpets; it is the peace of God that is present.

I had the pleasure of visiting two such homes recently. In one the furnishings were lovely, everything in a contemporary grey with discrete colourful accessories. The large picture windows looked out over green fields stretching away into the distance. My friend had been a farmer and needed the uninterrupted view. His wife obviously had a flair for decorating. I was impressed as they had a large shed where homeless people often stayed for a few nights. It was a God-filled home.

The other friends i visited had a small bungalow, small garden and no view. Again it was tastefully decorated but what impressed me was the feeling of peace and the presence of God. They had previously been missionaries and their home was filled with stories and laughter. It felt that the presence of God was present.

I always felt the walls of my previous home were impregnated with prayer. Much prayer had taken place when I had lived there as various friends visited. I was very happy that I could sell it to Christians who were actually a couple of the youth leaders from our church, so the prayer continues. When the youngsters meet there on Sundays evenings, there would be more prayer.