
‘Where is God?’, ‘Why doesn’t He intervene?’, ‘Does He really care?’ These are the type of questions we can ask when things are not going well. We have plans and they don’t materialize. We have restricting poor health, we are in with the wrong crowd and heading for trouble. On our own, sin might have put us where we are now.

Whatever the reason for the failure in our lives and plans we can ask these questions. ‘Where is God, does He care?’ It can be helpful to look to the past. Has God ever failed us or let us down. He has been the One to lead us through all the trials and tribulations? Has He ever been known to break a promise? We look at John 16:33 ‘In this world you will have trouble.’ So if we had taken notice of these words, we would have been prepared for things not to go right. Life was not going to be a bed of roses. Read the rest of this verse, ‘But take heart, I have overcome the world.’ So that answers the questions.

The God who sees the whole situation does care. All bad things will pass though it will be in God’s timing and not ours. Finally He says, ‘I go to prepare a place for you.’ John 14:3