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For many years I was on the prayer team of a large Christian convention. Yet during that time I was only once directly involved in a person giving their life to Christ. When working in several secular offices I never knew if any of my halting words of witness made any impression. I have lived in five different homes during my adult life and although I’ve talked about God to my neighbours, I never knew if any of my words made any difference. But this is not for me to know.

My call and yours is to obedience. When I feel God’s nudge to speak or not, it is my call of obedience to obey. On the times I have obeyed, it has been in God’s hands,and the results are in the realm of God. We are the hands of God. Jesus is not here in person, the job is up to us, guided by the Holy Spirit. He needs us, He will cope with the results, that’s not our part.

As Jesus tell us, ‘One sows and another reaps’ John 4:37. It may be that God has called us to be the evangelist, but alternatively we might be called to be the messenger, speaking the first words that a person has ever heard about Christ. We may be called to be the person who is reviled and persecuted for speaking the words of hope. Whatever our calling, obedience is what is necessary.

Passive Witnessing

In this day and age witnessing for the Lord is not easy, perhaps it never has been. I find I’m not having bad conversations with people neither am I having good ones. Having just spent a couple of hours with my neighbour, who I know is opposed to anything Christian, I feel very dissatisfied.. I reasoned with the Lord that she knows I’m a Christian and she knows that I know that she is not. I had prayed that if the Lord wished me to say anything of a spiritual nature, He would prompt me. But I’m thinking I might have got this witnessing thing all the wrong way round.

I’m thinking that I’m guilty of fear and disobedience. More and more I’m finding that opportunities to witness are not arriving. ‘Wait on the Lord,’ we’re told. Yes, I think I should be waiting in anticipation, but is that enough? Each time I leave my home I should expect to speak to someone about the Lord. It is up to Him to tell me who, but I should be expecting it to happen.

God in His grace has shown me salvation. My question to Him should be ‘Who is it you want me to speak words of salvation to today?’ At the start of each conversation I need to be asking ‘Is this the person?’ Lord, I pray that You will fill my conversations with Your love.